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Imprint/Company Information

© DEKRA Automobil GmbH

Handwerkstrasse 15
70565 Stuttgart

phone: +49.711.7861-0
fax: +49.711.7861-2240

Chairmanship of the Supervisory Board:
Stefan Kölbl

Managing Directors:
Guido Kutschera (Chairman)
Friedemann Bausch
Jann Fehlauer

Responsible for content:
DEKRA Automobil GmbH
Sabine Knaupp

Registration Court:
Local Court in Stuttgart
Commercial Register HRB Number: 21039
VAT Identification Number: DE 811 297 970


All rights reserved.

This website has been compiled with great care. DEKRA provides the information contained in our website without warranty or guarantee of any kind, either expressed or implied, available. Even if we assume that the information we provide is accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies for which DEKRA is not liable.

DEKRA is not liable for content of sites that are accessed through links from the DEKRA website (or any other DEKRA www.dekra.com owned domain). DEKRA dissociates itself from information and representations that violate the law or common decency.

The DEKRA website is protected by copyright, intellectual property rights and all other relevant laws. The programs, pictures, text and information are, insofar as no other property or copyrights apply, in the ownership / copyrights of DEKRA. Any reproduction, distribution, storage, transmission, reproduction, or transmission of the contents without written permission is expressly prohibited by DEKRA.

Further information can be obtained directly by DEKRA Automobil GmbH, Stuttgart.

Copyright © DEKRA Automobil GmbH